New Family Chiropractic

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is manipulation of the spine and joints to restore normal movement, in turn stimulating the nervous system* and maximising health. Manipulation involves gentle thrusts to the joints.

Chiropractors take a holistic approach to health and wellbeing; this means they consider physical, psychological and social aspects.

By restoring normal function to the musculo-skeletal system Chiropractic can play a major role in relieving disorders and any accompanying pain or discomfort, arising from accidents, stress, lack of exercise, poor posture, illness, and everyday wear and tear.

Chiropractic treatment involves safe, gentle, specific adjustments, done by hand, to free joints in the spine or other area of the body that are not moving properly. Often, this requires a short thrust to a joint that can result in an audible “crack”. The “crack” is simply the sound of bubbles of gas popping in the fluid of the joint as the pressure is released.

(*The nervous system is the electrical pathway between the brain and every cell in the body.)

Sacro Occipital Technique

Sacro-Occiptal Technique (SOT) is a holistic approach to chiropractic healthcare which includes detailed analysis and corrections for the spine, pelvis, cranium, extremities and visceral system.

Emphasis is placed on the structural integrity of the human body to allow stability and movement. Especially in modern times, the human body experiences stresses that disrupt its physiology, SOT promotes homeostasis.

SOT integrates easily and seamlessly with other chiropractic systems. Allowing practitioners to use several different techniques and approaches simultaneously to gather large amounts of information about underlying cranial, spinal and organ-related problems. These are then corrected using highly effective specific methods.

Crianial Fascial Dynamics

Cranio Fascial Dynamics (CFD) is the result of a revelation and extensive research and development by Jonathan Howat since 2004 to a point where it is now available for clinical application. His aspiration for the future of CFD is that it should be regarded as an option and a breakthrough treatment in traumatic brain and head injuries (TBIs).

The objective of CFD is to identify the cranial torque the body has been subjected to from birth and throughout life and looks to reverse this process by de-torqueing the brain, then brainstem and spinal cord through the fascial system to allow the brain to drain blood and lymph.

Underpinning this approach is the understanding that a benign asymmetric torque exists within every individual and its presence is dictated by the haemodynamic force set in motion during the 32nd week of foetal development. This haemodynamic motion determines the influences and controls the cranio-spinal fascia has over the brain, the brainstem and spinal cord throughout life, supporting, protecting and draining the entire structure in a homeostatic manner. The importance of mesenchyme and its prominence in the hierarchical development of embryogenesis and fascial system is key to maintaining homeostasis.